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A Little Bit About Caron, The Yummy Yoga Midwife

I qualifield as a Midwife in 1990 after training at Birmingham Women's Hospital. Since then I have worked in the Community, as well as at many of the local hospitals including Sorrento, Solihull, Burton on Trent and Heartlands where I was a Labour Ward Manager for many years. I also worked in the Caribbean as a Midwife for five years. Following this I worked at the Perinatal Institute as a Project Midwife. I am currently working as a Legacy Midwife from Solihull, Heartlands and Good Hope Hospitals providing support, guidance and sharing my experience with all the newly qualified midwives working alongside them in their community clinics and I'm loving sharing my experience with them all.



Caron Millard


Bsc Women's Health, Hypnobirthing Diploma, RSA Exercise Instructor, Pregnancy Yoga Teacher

Yummy Yoga Mummies is ran by Caron Millard who is a Practising Midwife of 34 years and who has a vast wealth of experience to share with you. Caron has worked in both the UK as well as abroad and lectures internationally on a regular basis about various midwifery issues. She is a qualified Hypnobirthing Instructor, Pregnancy Yoga Teacher, Baby Massage & Yoga Instructor, Aromatherapist and Baby First Aid Instructor.. 


Caron was also a Supervisor of Midwives for many years and has been teaching safe and effective exercise to pregnant mothers for 30 years. She has a degree in Women's Health and your safety and your baby's safety are her main prioritiy  and concern. Caron has a personal passion to also improve the care provided to mothers and babies on a global basis, and has lectured in countries as far away as South Africa, Norway, Holland, the Caribbean and Vietnam.


NMC Register PIN 85F0080E

Full member of the R.C.M


A Note from Me


"I started to exercise regularly when I became pregnant with my first son and because I found that exercising made me feel so much better

about myself and really helped me to cope with my pregnancy and birth, I wanted to share the benefits of it with the mothers I was caring for

as a midwife, and so I decided to bite the bullet and take a course to allow me to teach Aquanatal Classes, which I did in 1993 and since then I have never looked back.


Yummy Yoga Mummies was set up in 2010 and since then hundreds of mothers- to- be have enjoyed the benefits of yoga and hypnobirthing which has enabled them to enjoy their pregnancy, have lovely calm births and make life long friends.......... I just love teaching these classes

and empowering women is my passion!"

0787 255 7728

Twitter Yummyogamidwife

Instagram Yummyyogamummies


For more information and / or to book your place on a course.


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